2020 WACV paper on “Gaze Estimation for Assisted Living Environments”

Effective assisted living environments must be able to perform inferences on how their occupants interact with one another as well as with surrounding objects. To accomplish this goal using a vision-based automated approach, multiple tasks such as pose estimation, object segmentation and gaze estimation must be addressed.  Paper written by four authors, including two Marquette University authors:  Philipe A. Dias (Marquette University EECE Graduate student, USA),  Dr. Henry Medeiros (Marquette University Asst. Professor)  See the paper here:


2019 WACV paper to introduce FreeLabel

Paper published at WACV 2019 (Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision) to introduce FreeLabel, an intuitive open-source web interface that allows users to obtain high-quality segmentation masks, with just a few freehand scribbles, in a matter of seconds.  Among four authors were two Marquette University authors:  Philipe A. Dias (EECE graduate student) and Dr. Henry Medeiros (EECE Asst. Professor).  https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/8659167

Grad Students Reza Mozhdehi and Philipe Ambrosio Dias win 2018 Forward Thinking awards

Marquette 2018 Forward Thinking poster session award recipients included Dr. Henry Medeiros and two graduate students.  Dr. Medeiros and Philipe Ambrozio Dias (Electrical and Computer Engineering) won for their project, “Region growing refinement of semantic segmentations masks.”  Dr. Medeiros and Reza Jalil Mozhdehi (Electrical and Computer Engineering) won for their project, “Visual tracking: deep convolutional iterative particle filter with multiple correlation models.” https://www.marquette.edu/orsp/documents/2018FTPSAwardees.docx


2018 Presentations at ACCV and IROS conferences

In 2018, the Computer Vision team published two journal papers and Philipe Ambrozio Dias went to ACCV (Asian Federation of Computer Vision) and IROS (International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems) to present their work.